4 years later, the COVID-19 still won’t stop its fatal rampage

4 years later, the COVID-19 still won’t stop its fatal rampage

Location: Tunisia

Quality: H.264/FULL HD

Audio Type: Natural

Length: 01: 30

Size: 42 MB

The fourth anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic’s spread is on Saturday, December 30, 2023. The world had no idea what was going on in Wuhan, a highly populated city in China, on this day.


Regarding the cause of pneumonia that is still unknown, Wuhan Central Hospital’s Health Committee released a statement. Chinese doctors were concerned about an unknown pneumonia that could potentially be a deadly virus.




Close contact was the means by which the virus was spread, including through close speech, sneezing, and coughing. The symptoms consisted of fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, joint pain, and loss of smell and taste.

In addition to enforcing strict measures like complete quarantine, mask wearing, social distancing, isolating infected individuals, and closing borders, researchers also started the search for vaccines.

Countries around the world united their efforts to find a safe treatment to eradicate the virus. After many attempts, scientists and researchers successfully developed the essential vaccines in 2020. These vaccines strengthen the immune system and provide acquired immunity against the pandemic.

COVID-19 has claimed the lives of 21,248,335 people as of the date this article was prepared.