Urgent | Palestinian local sources: Occupation forces storm Odala village south of Nablus and close its entrances with earth mounds Urgent | Palestinian local sources: Occupation forces storm Odala village…
عاجل | رئيس وزراء اليونان: ناقشنا ضرورة بذل الجهود القصوى للحد من الهجرة غير الشرعية عاجل | رئيس وزراء اليونان: ناقشنا ضرورة بذل الجهود القصوى للحد من الهجرة غير الشرعية…
Urgent | Greek Prime Minister: We discussed the ceasefire in Gaza, the release of hostages, and the necessity of implementing the two-state solution because it is the only way to…
Urgent | Palestinian local sources: Occupation forces storm Odala village south of Nablus and close its entrances with earth mounds Urgent | Palestinian local sources: Occupation forces storm Odala village…
Urgent | Greek Prime Minister: We discussed the ceasefire in Gaza, the release of hostages, and the necessity of implementing the two-state solution because it is the only way to…
Urgent | Palestinian local sources: Occupation forces storm Odala village south of Nablus and close its entrances with earth mounds Urgent | Palestinian local sources: Occupation forces storm Odala village…
Urgent | Greek Prime Minister: We discussed the ceasefire in Gaza, the release of hostages, and the necessity of implementing the two-state solution because it is the only way to…
Urgent | Palestinian local sources: Occupation forces storm Odala village south of Nablus and close its entrances with earth mounds Urgent | Palestinian local sources: Occupation forces storm Odala village…
شنت القوات الأميركية ضربات دقيقة ضد منشأتين تحت الأرض تابعتين للحوثيين في اليمن، تُستخدمان لتخزين الأسلحة، وذلك في إطار جهود تقليص تهديدات الحوثيين المدعومين من إيران للسفن العسكرية والتجارية في…
Urgent | Greek Prime Minister: We discussed the ceasefire in Gaza, the release of hostages, and the necessity of implementing the two-state solution because it is the only way to…