Urgent | Maariv: People close to Trump conveyed a worrying message to Netanyahu that the president-elect harbors resentment towards him despite the meetings Urgent | Maariv: People close to Trump…
Urgent | Haaretz on the father of an Israeli prisoner killed in Gaza: Our inability to bury our dead is the ultimate humiliation for the state at the hands of…
عاجل | معاريف: مقربون من ترمب نقلوا رسالة مقلقة لنتنياهو مفادها أن الرئيس المنتخب يكن استياء تجاهه رغم اللقاءات عاجل | معاريف: مقربون من ترمب نقلوا رسالة مقلقة لنتنياهو مفادها…
Urgent.. UNRWA Commissioner-General: We welcome the ceasefire agreement in Gaza and the prisoner exchange deal and call on all parties to ensure its full implementation Urgent.. UNRWA Commissioner-General: We welcome…
Urgent | Israeli Broadcasting Authority: Military operations from both sides will temporarily stop starting at 8:30 am tomorrow according to the agreement Urgent | Israeli Broadcasting Authority: Military operations from…
Urgent | Israeli Home Front: Sirens sounded in Almon settlement near Ramallah for fear of armed infiltration Urgent | Israeli Home Front: Sirens sounded in Almon settlement near Ramallah for…
Urgent | Haaretz on the father of an Israeli prisoner killed in Gaza: Our inability to bury our dead is the ultimate humiliation for the state at the hands of…
عاجل | هيئة البث الإسرائيلية: ستتوقف العمليات العسكرية من الطرفين مؤقتا بدءا من الساعة 8.30 صباح الغد وفقا للاتفاق عاجل | هيئة البث الإسرائيلية: ستتوقف العمليات العسكرية من الطرفين مؤقتا…
Urgent.. UNRWA Commissioner-General: We welcome the ceasefire agreement in Gaza and the prisoner exchange deal and call on all parties to ensure its full implementation Urgent.. UNRWA Commissioner-General: We welcome…
Urgent | Israeli Home Front: Sirens sounded in Almon settlement near Ramallah for fear of armed infiltration Urgent | Israeli Home Front: Sirens sounded in Almon settlement near Ramallah for…