Urgent .. an American military official: arms shipments that were in Europe heading to Ukraine were forced to change its course Urgent .. an American military official: arms shipments that…
#Urgent Egyptian Foreign Minister: 📌 We prepared a detailed plan for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip in full coordination with the Palestinian government 📌 We will lead an intense…
Urgent Egyptian Foreign Minister: We assigned all our embassies to coordinate with the brothers to mobilize political and material support for the Gaza reconstruction plan Urgent Egyptian Foreign Minister: We…
Urgent Times: A Russian cargo ship subject to sanctions. Military equipment has transported via the English channel under the guard of a Russian warship Urgent Times: A Russian cargo ship…
عاجل | وزير الخارجية المصري: كلفنا جميع سفاراتنا للتنسيق مع الأشقاء لحشد الدعم السياسي والمادي لخطة إعمار غزة عاجل | وزير الخارجية المصري: كلفنا جميع سفاراتنا للتنسيق مع الأشقاء لحشد…
عاجل | التايمز: سفينة شحن روسية خاضعة للعقوبات نقلت معدات عسكرية عبر القنال الإنكليزي تحت حراسة سفينة حربية روسية عاجل | التايمز: سفينة شحن روسية خاضعة للعقوبات نقلت معدات عسكرية…
Urgent .. an American military official: arms shipments that were in Europe heading to Ukraine were forced to change its course Urgent .. an American military official: arms shipments that…
#Urgent Egyptian Foreign Minister: 📌 We prepared a detailed plan for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip in full coordination with the Palestinian government 📌 We will lead an intense…
Urgent Egyptian Foreign Minister: The starvation weapon cannot be allowed as a tool for collective punishment in Gaza Urgent Egyptian Foreign Minister: The starvation weapon cannot be allowed as a…
Urgent Director of the Economic Council at the White House: Canada and Mexico are not taking sufficient measures to fight drug smuggling to our country Urgent Director of the Economic…