عاجل.. وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: نؤكد التزام المؤسسة الأمنية بتوسيع العمليات الميدانية في كل ساحة تنفذ فيها محاولات للإضرار بأمن إسرائيل وسكانها عاجل.. وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: نؤكد التزام المؤسسة الأمنية بتوسيع…
عاجل.. وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: نشهد تهديدا متصاعدا لسكان مستوطنات الضفة الغربية ونستعد لمنع تكرار هجوم 7 أكتوبر عاجل.. وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: نشهد تهديدا متصاعدا لسكان مستوطنات الضفة الغربية ونستعد لمنع…
Urgent.. Israeli Defense Minister: We are witnessing an increasing threat to the residents of the West Bank settlements and we are preparing to prevent a recurrence of the October 7…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We confirm the security establishment’s commitment to expanding field operations in every arena where attempts are made to harm the security of Israel and its…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We are witnessing an increasing threat to the residents of the West Bank settlements and we are preparing to prevent a repeat of the October…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We confirm the security establishment’s commitment to expanding field operations in every arena where attempts are made to harm the security of Israel and its…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We are witnessing an increasing threat to the residents of the West Bank settlements and we are preparing to prevent a repeat of the October…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We confirm the security establishment’s commitment to expanding field operations in every arena where attempts are made to harm the security of Israel and its…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We are witnessing an increasing threat to the residents of the West Bank settlements and we are preparing to prevent a repeat of the October…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We confirm the security establishment’s commitment to expanding field operations in every arena where attempts are made to harm the security of Israel and its…