وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: يجب ألا ننجر إلى حرب استنزاف ضد حمـ ـاس وعلينا تغيير طريقة عملنا في #غزة #الجزيرة_مباشر وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: يجب ألا ننجر إلى حرب استنزاف ضد حمـ…
عاجل | مصدر عسكري للجزيرة: الجيش السوداني استعاد محلية أم القرى شرق ولاية #الجزيرة بعد معارك مع قوات الدعم السريع عاجل | مصدر عسكري للجزيرة: الجيش السوداني استعاد محلية أم…
Urgent.. Italian Foreign Minister: We are ready to support the economic and social recovery of Syria, which is rich in history and ties with us Urgent.. Italian Foreign Minister: We…
Urgent | Military source to Al Jazeera: The Sudanese army has retaken Umm Al Qura locality east of Al Jazeera State after battles with the Rapid Support Forces Urgent |…
Urgent.. Italian Foreign Minister: We are ready to support the economic and social recovery of Syria, which is rich in history and ties with us Urgent.. Italian Foreign Minister: We…
Urgent | Israel Hayom: Senior army officers believe that the time has come for relative containment of the West Bank and that it is necessary to act more aggressively Urgent…
Urgent.. Italian Foreign Minister: We are ready to support the economic and social recovery of Syria, which is rich in history and ties with us Urgent.. Italian Foreign Minister: We…
Urgent | Israel Hayom: Senior army officers believe that the time has come for relative containment of the West Bank and that it is necessary to act more aggressively Urgent…
Urgent.. Italian Foreign Minister: We are ready to support the economic and social recovery of Syria, which is rich in history and ties with us Urgent.. Italian Foreign Minister: We…
Urgent | Israel Hayom: Senior army officers believe that the time has come for relative containment of the West Bank and that it is necessary to act more aggressively Urgent…