Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We confirm the security establishment’s commitment to expanding field operations in every arena where attempts are made to harm the security of Israel and its…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We are witnessing an increasing threat to the residents of the West Bank settlements and we are preparing to prevent a repeat of the October…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We confirm the security establishment’s commitment to expanding field operations in every arena where attempts are made to harm the security of Israel and its…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We are witnessing an increasing threat to the residents of the West Bank settlements and we are preparing to prevent a repeat of the October…
عاجل | وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: نشهد تهديدا متصاعدا لسكان مستوطنات الضفة الغربية ونستعد لمنع تكرار هجوم 7 أكتوبر عاجل | وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: نشهد تهديدا متصاعدا لسكان مستوطنات الضفة الغربية…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: We confirm the security establishment’s commitment to expanding field operations in every arena where attempts are made to harm the security of Israel and its…
Urgent | Israeli army: Our air defenses intercepted a rocket fired from the southern Gaza Strip in the Kerem Shalom area Urgent | Israeli army: Our air defenses intercepted a…
عاجل | وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: نؤكد التزام المؤسسة الأمنية بتوسيع العمليات الميدانية في كل ساحة تنفذ فيها محاولات للإضرار بأمن إسرائيل وسكانها عاجل | وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: نؤكد التزام المؤسسة…
Urgent.. Egyptian President: Efforts and pressures must be intensified to reach a calm in the region, especially the war in Gaza and Lebanon, and to achieve stability in Syria, Libya,…
Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: Increased threats targeting settlers in the West Bank Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister: Increasing threats targeting settlers in the West Bank Published on: 2025-01-08 07:03:51