عاجل | الرئيس الأوكراني: تقدمنا كثيرا ومن غير المعقول أن نستسلم الآن وألا نعمل على بناء تحالف دفاعي عاجل | الرئيس الأوكراني: تقدمنا كثيرا ومن غير المعقول أن نستسلم الآن…
Urgent | Ukrainian President: We have made great progress and it is unreasonable to give up now and not work on building a defensive alliance Urgent | Ukrainian President: We…
Urgent | Spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority Security Services: 245 explosive devices and 17 car bombs were defused during the Homeland Protection Operation Urgent | Spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority…
Urgent | Ministry of Health in Gaza: The Israeli army committed 3 massacres against families in the Strip within 24 hours, 70 martyrs and 104 wounded arrived at hospitals Urgent…
Urgent | Spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority Security Services: 245 explosive devices and 17 car bombs were defused during the Homeland Protection Operation Urgent | Spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority…
Urgent | Ministry of Health in Gaza: The Israeli army committed 3 massacres against families in the Strip within 24 hours, 70 martyrs and 104 wounded arrived at hospitals Urgent…
Urgent | Spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority Security Services: 245 explosive devices and 17 car bombs were defused during the Homeland Protection Operation Urgent | Spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority…
Urgent | Ministry of Health in Gaza: The Israeli army committed 3 massacres against families in the Strip within 24 hours, 70 martyrs and 104 wounded arrived at hospitals Urgent…
Urgent | Spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority Security Services: 245 explosive devices and 17 car bombs were defused during the Homeland Protection Operation Urgent | Spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority…
عاجل | وزارة الصحة بغزة: الجيش الإسرائيلي ارتكب 3 مجازر ضد عائلات بالقطاع خلال 24 ساعة وصل منها إلى المستشفيات 70 شهيدا و104 مصابا عاجل | وزارة الصحة بغزة: الجيش…