Urgent | Head of the Free Patriotic Movement Gebran Bassil: External instructions were sent to the representatives to appoint a president for the republic instead of electing him Urgent |…
عاجل | رئيس التيار الوطني الحر جبران باسيل: تعليمات خارجية وجهت للنواب لتعيين رئيس للجمهورية بدل الانتخاب عاجل | رئيس التيار الوطني الحر جبران باسيل: تعليمات خارجية وجهت للنواب لتعيين…
Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins after the quorum is reached to elect the country’s 14th president Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins after the quorum is reached…
Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins to elect a president for the republic Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins to elect a president for the republic Published on:…
#Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament begins a session to elect a new president of the republic Live broadcast https://youtu.be/e2RgSa1Wt5o #Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament begins a session to elect a…
Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins after the quorum is reached to elect the country’s 14th president Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins after the quorum is reached…
Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins to elect a president for the republic Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins to elect a president for the republic Published on:…
#Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament begins a session to elect a new president of the republic Live broadcast https://youtu.be/e2RgSa1Wt5o #Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament begins a session to elect a…
Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins after the quorum is reached to elect the country’s 14th president Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins after the quorum is reached…
Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins to elect a president for the republic Urgent | The Lebanese Parliament session begins to elect a president for the republic Published on:…