Lebanese Health Ministry Reports 37 Casualties from Israeli Airstrike on Southern Beirut

Lebanese Health Ministry Reports 37 Casualties from Israeli Airstrike on Southern Beirut

The Lebanese Ministry of Health announced today, Saturday, that the number of casualties from the Israeli airstrike on the southern suburb of Beirut has risen to 37, with ongoing debris removal efforts.
The ministry stated in a report that the updated figure reflects the latest toll from the attack, noting that rescue operations are still ongoing.
Earlier, Minister of Health Firas Al-Abyad had announced that the initial toll was 31 dead, including three children, as rescue efforts continued throughout the night.


أشخاص يتجمعون في موقع ما قالت مصادر أمنية لبنانية إنه هجوم استهدف منزلا بالضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت يوم 30 يوليو تموز 2024. تصوير: أحمد الكردي – رويترز