UNHCR: Over 175,000 Afghans will receive China-donated aid

UNHCR: Over 175,000 Afghans will receive China-donated aid

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) announced on Sunday that it will distribute aid donated by China to more than 175,000 Afghans affected by the country’s conflict in the coming weeks.

The aid, which includes kitchen utensils, blankets, bowls and plastic sheeting, will be distributed to more than 27,500 families or more than 175,000 Afghans across the war-torn country, UNHCR said.

UNHCR’s Representative in Afghanistan, Arafat Jamal, welcomed China’s humanitarian assistance: ‘We are extremely grateful for this important support from China, which will enable UNHCR to help displaced families struggling to meet their basic needs in difficult times.

In recent years, China has supported Afghanistan by providing essential assistance to poor families affected by natural disasters in the country.